
Jacksonville Penalty Phase of Jacksonville Shooting Murder Criminal Case Results in Death Recommendation

A Jacksonville Criminal Jury of twelve (12) people recommended death to the Jacksonville Criminal Defendant, Thomas Brown, after being convicted of the murder of his co-worker. The jury voted 7 to 5, in favor of the death penalty for Mr. Brown. The Jacksonville Criminal Defense Attorneys of the Office of the Public Defender for Duval County submitted evidence to the jury that Brown was not a cold-blooded killer. They submitted that Brown was “disturbed man whose troubles began at a young age with a dismissive mother who regarded him as little more than a means to a welfare check. A lack of self-esteem spiraled into multiple personalities and spurts of violence that landed him in therapy about age 5 after he stabbed his sister.”

However, the Jacksonville Assistant State Attorney “stressed to the jury that the shooting came in retaliation after Brown had been sent home from work” and “his temper grew murderous and led to Miller’s death, all the more reason he should pay for her life with his own.” (

See Jacksonville Criminal Lawyer Submits Rejected Guilty Plea to Jacksonville Felony Court by a Jacksonville Criminal Defense Lawyer.

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