
Jacksonville Home Invasion Armed Robbery Investigation Leads to Two Arrests

On Saturday night, December 19, 2009, Jacksonville police officers found Jacksonville resident, Corey Formey, dead in his home near 103rd Street. Two suspects have been arrested in connection with this case. Jerry Drake was arrested for the murder, while Valorie Grant is being charged as an accessory after the fact. Both defendants lived in Chase Ridge Apartments, the same apartment complex as Mr. Formey.

Police believe that the Mr. Drake committed the Jacksonville home invasion armed robbery in order to obtain drugs and money. According to Jacksonville media reports, Mr. Formey was a drug dealer. His apartment was found in disarray, so it is likely that a struggle may have occurred, or the culprit searched the home for drugs and money.

Mr. Drake will be charged with first degree murder in Jacksonville, Florida, because the murder was committed while engaged in a robbery. According to Florida Statute Section 782.04, this is a capital felony punishable by death or life in prison. If Mr. Drake used of a firearm, he will be subject to Florida’s 10-20-Life Statute, resulting in a minimum mandatory sentence of life in prison. Since Ms. Grant is charged an accessory after the fact for first-degree murder, she will be charged with a first-degree felony, pursuant to Florida Statute Section 777.03. She can receive up to thirty years in Florida State Prison.

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