
Consequences of Misdemeanor Drug Charges in Jacksonville Florida

If you are charged with a misdemeanor drug crime in Jacksonville, Florida, there are somethings that you should know. Although the crime is a misdemeanor, a drug crime is not a minor crime. For instance, possession of less than 20 grams of marijuana is a misdemeanor in Florida. However, it carries serious ramifications. You can receive up to one year in jail for the charge. Even if you do not receive a jail sentence for possession of marijuana, it is still on your criminal record. Schools, potential employers, and the general public will be able to see your Florida criminal record and the misdemeanor drug charge. If you are convicted of the Jacksonville drug crime, you will not be able to seal or expunge the arrest. Therefore, discussing your case with a Jacksonville Criminal Lawyer before you enter a plea to the drug crime is crucial.

Under Florida Statute Section 322.055, your Florida Drivers License will be suspended for two years in you are convicted of certain drug offenses. While the court may direct the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles to issue a hardship license, a hardship license is not available until at least six months of the revocation or suspension has expired. For most people, their Florida drivers license is crucial to maintaining employment, so even six months without a license can result in job losses. Also, if you get caught driving on a suspended license, you are looking at another Jacksonville criminal charge, Florida Driving with a License Suspended or Revoked.

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