
Clay County DUI Check Point Landed 22 In Jail

Last week Clay County Sheriff’s Office conducted a DUI Check point that resulted in 22 being arrested and jailed. The arrests were not just for DUI, but for numerous other offenses. Don’t become a statistic; do NOT drink and drive.

As Jacksonville heads out into this weekend, beware of JSO activity and roadblocks that may be in place. However, the best policy is not to drink or drive. Unfortunately, some Jacksonville motorist decide they are “good” and when they are caught by police, you should call a Jacksonville Criminal Attorney to represent your best interests in Court. The sooner I get involved the more time I have to mitigate the offense and speak with the State.

The DUI standard in Florida is .08 BAC. That is a very low standard and most people do not “feel” the effects of alcohol at that level. However, you could still be arrested. As a Jacksonville Criminal Lawyer, I advise everyone if you are going to drink do not drive. Get a Designated Driver, Stay at that Location, Take a Cab, or Get a Hotel Room.

Jacksonville, 22 people were arrested and approximately 40 citations were issued. Let make this weekend better and avoid JSO checkpoints and jail time.

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