
Cash is Irrelevant in Florida Possession of Cocaine Cases

In Jacksonville possession of cocaine cases, the prosecutor will often attempt to enter into evidence the fact that the Jacksonville possession of cocaine defendant had a large amount of cash in his possession.  Obviously, this highly prejudicial to the Jacksonville possession of cocaine defendant.  When a defendant is alleged to have illegal drugs and large amounts of cash on his person, most juries will look at the defendant and see a drug dealer.  Evidence of cash in a Jacksonville possession of cocaine case is irrelevant and should not be allowed.  In mere Jacksonville possession of cocaine cases, the defendant is not alleged to have sold the cocaine.  He is merely in possession of the cocaine.  Therefore, the fact that he has a large amount of cash on his person has nothing to do with the possession of cocaine, and is irrelevant.  To learn more about Jacksonville possession of cocaine evidence law, read Mosley v. State or contact a Jacksonville Possession of Cocaine Attorney

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