
Traffic Citations, Misdemeanors, and Felony Charges for Driving with a Suspended License in Jacksonville

If a driver is stopped for driving with a suspended license in Jacksonville, Florida, he or she can be charged with a civil traffic infraction, a misdemeanor, or a felony. The level of the Jacksonville Driving with a Suspended License offense will depend on the driving record. According to Florida Statute Section 322.34(1), if a person is cited for Jacksonville Driving with a Suspended License and the driver did not have knowledge that his or her Jacksonville drivers license was suspended or revoked, the driver will be issued a civil traffic citation.  This is not a crime, but it should still be taken seriously, because it can be used against the person in the future.  

If the person had knowledge that his or her Jacksonville drivers license was suspended, he or she may be issued a criminal traffic citation or arrested for Jacksonville Driving with a Suspended License.  Under Florida Statute Section 322.34(2), a first conviction is a 2nd degree misdemeanor, a second conviction is a 1st degree misdemeanor, and a third conviction is a third degree felony. 

If you are charged with Jacksonville Driving on a Suspended License, contact Jacksonville Driver’s License Lawyer, at (904) 685-1200.  

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