
Jacksonville Grand Theft of a Puppy

Moreen Cunningham and Aaron Taber have been charged with Grand Theft in Jacksonville, Florida.  The couple is accused of stealing a puppy valued at $850 from a Jacksonville pet store.  Cunningham told police that she committed the Jacksonville Grand Theft in order to give the puppy to her children as a Christmas present, while Taber stated that he could not stop her.  
While Grand Theft is a serious crime in Jacksonville, Florida, Cunningham’s actions are not unheard of.  Many Jacksonville residents are feeling the pressure of a declining economy and job losses.  While this does not justify the Jacksonville Grand Theft, Cunningham does not necessarily deserve a harsh sentence.  Instead, the prosecutor should look at her criminal record and the circumstance surrounding her Jacksonville Grand Theft arrest to decide what sentence is appropriate.  If Cunningham does not have a criminal record, she should be eligible for the Jacksonville pre-trial intervention program.  The Jacksonville pre-trial intervention program helps first offenders by allowing them to give back to the Jacksonville community and in return, their charges will be dropped.  
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