
Driving on a Jacksonville Suspended License Leads to Fleeing and Attempting to Elude

Quite often, a minor crime will lead to a major crime. For instance, I have seen Jacksonville Criminal Defendants that have had their drivers licenses suspended habitual traffic offenders. Like most people, Jacksonville habitual traffic offenders have jobs and families that they need to support. Therefore, they end up driving without a driver’s license in Jacksonville, Florida. As Jacksonville Habitual Traffic Offenders, if these drivers are caught, they will be arrested for a felony (See Jacksonville Florida Driver’s License Suspended for Five Years as a Habitual Traffic Offender ). In a few Jacksonville Habitual Traffic Offender cases, I have seen these drivers fleeing police officers that are trying to stop their vehicles due to the fear of arrest. When they are caught, they are arrested for Jacksonville fleeing and attempting to elude a law enforcement officer. Now, they are facing additional felony charges.

This scenario could have been prevented. When I am reviewing a habitual traffic offender’s driving record, I often see that there are things that the Jacksonville habitual traffic offender can do in order to try to obtain a valid driver’s license. However, once a driver gets to the point that he or she has been arrested for Jacksonville Fleeing and Attempting to Elude, it may be too late.

That is why it is so important to correct the driving record at the early stages and get a valid Florida driver’s license. If you need help with your Florida Drivers License, contact a Jacksonville Criminal Defense Lawyer to review your Driving Record and determine what they can do for you.

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